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Registrant Information

Please type your full name (i.e., first and last name) exactly as you prefer it to appear, including proper capitalization. Please do not include any titles.

Media Release

Media Release

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Weekend Activities

Name Time Description Location Name
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Open time to fellowship around grounds10:30 AM - 1:30 PM

This is a time to enjoy being at home. Available activities will include eating a bring-your-own packed lunch around the Gazebo or in the tents, visiting places of interest, taking a hayride shuttle between the auditorium and Biblical Research Center (BRC), and shopping at the auditorium Bookstore.

Presentation in the auditorium2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The structured Saturday activity will be in The Word Over the World Auditorium and open to guests and their children. It will be a casual, encouraging time focused on stories of success and deliverance. Live translations in French and Spanish will be available by reservation. Complimentary, light refreshments (including a kid-friendly option) will be served during the break.

Open time to fellowship around grounds4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

This is a time to enjoy being at home. Available activities will include visiting places of interest, taking a hayride shuttle between the auditorium and BRC, and shopping at the auditorium Bookstore.

Herald forth the good news6:00 PM

Enjoy eating supper in the local communities with old and new friends alike as you herald forth the good news.

Sunday, October 6, 2024
Mothers' Room10:00 AM

The Mothers’ Room (for mothers to stay with their babies under 1 year old) will be available in the OSC.

Bookstore Open10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

The auditorium Bookstore will be open.

Sunday Teaching Service11:00 AM

Join us in the auditorium for the Sunday Teaching Service as we hear a powerful teaching on the new yearly theme. The doors to The Teaching Center open at 10:15 a.m.

Volunteer Sign-Up