Through the Ages
The Rock of Ages has historically been a time for the family of God to be together and enjoy good food, good fun, good fellowship, and GREAT Word.
Enjoy this walk through the ages to learn more about the history of the Rock of Ages!
“ ...They have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints.”
I Corinthians 16:15
Rock of Ages ‘71 had humble beginnings on the lawn of The Way International Headquarters.
The stage was two flatbed trailers covered with plywood to hide the gap between them.
At this inaugural Rock,
Dr. Wierwille exclaimed,
“This is the time, this is the hour, this is the beginning of The Word Over the World!”
Word Over the World
Romans 10:17,18
In 1972, the Rock of Ages moved to the Shelby County Fairgrounds in Sidney, Ohio.
The vision and goal at this Rock of Ages was to give everyone the chance to decide whether or not they wanted to believe God's matchless Word.
“So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.”
Acts 19:20
The Rock of Ages continued to grow and began featuring a variety of activities. The Glory of the Lord Joggers Club hosted a Rock of Ages Run, and other competitions were held for everyone to enjoy.
Our Hearts Knit Together
Colossians 2:2
Rock of Ages ‘74 was affectionately called the “year the rain came down.”
This Rock welcomed many firsts, including the beloved Family Tables, ROA weddings, a musical drama, the Way Chorale, and the first food services provided by The Way International.
Good Food
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Go...Stand...Speak...The Words of Life.
Acts 5:20
In 1975, the theme of the displays and signs at the Rock of Ages was Americana, and it celebrated the unique music, art, and drama of our ministry and of America.
“...And having done all,
to STAND.”
Ephesians 6:13
In 1976, a believer won the opportunity to utilize Dr. Wierwille's 1947 Harley-Davidson motorcycle for the following year.
“He sent his word and healed them....”
Psalm 107:20
The theme verse for this event was based on a small wheelchair left at ROA ‘75 that had a note on it that said, “No longer needed—HEALED.”
The Hope
Colossians 1:27
In 1978, the Rock of Ages came home and was once again hosted at The Way International Headquarters.
The 1978 Rock of Ages hosted the first annual Rock of Ages WOW-athon, a thirteen-mile run.
Renewed Mind—the
Key to Power
Romans 12:2
The second annual WOW-athon expanded to include both a seven-mile and a fourteen-mile run.
Your Call to Service
Romans 12:1
In 1980, thirty-four International Outreach countries were represented at the Rock of Ages.
God's Call to Love
Ephesians 5:2
Participants of Rock of Ages ‘81 enjoyed the first annual WOW-March, which was a seven-mile walking tour to honor the returning and newly assigned WOW Ambassadors.
God's Call to Unity
Psalm 133:1; Ephesians 4:3
At the 1982 Rock, Outreach Athletes were sent out. This was a special outreach program where nurses, doctors, teachers, students, and military personnel committed to reach out in their areas and committed to excellence in their professions.
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Reaching the World with the Word: Go Tell
Matthew 28:10
Participants of this Rock enjoyed shopping at the “Hearts and Crafts” tent where they could purchase believer-made greeting cards, landscape oil paintings, music cassettes, pottery, children's literature, silk scarves and more!
Reaching the World with the Word: Living Epistles
II Corinthians 3:2
This Rock of Ages had a WOW Vet day where WOW families from each year had an opportunity to have a reunion, complete with Way Productions and a reunion photo.
Reaching the World with the Word:
Our Commitment
II Corinthians 5:19
The invitation to this year's Rock shared, “I want people to see the Rock of Ages as a wonderful haven away from the pressures of the world, where they can come home to an atmosphere of complete warmth and love. Believers come to the Rock to build to new heights of believing. It's a time for them to renew previous commitments and make greater ones to move the Word more than ever before.”
Power for Abundant Living: Our Lifestyle
John 10:10
During this year's Rock, The Way International Music Challenge finals were held.
Forget Not All His Benefits
Psalm 103:2
In order to support the 1987 Rock of Ages, over one hundred event tents were set up on The Way International grounds.
Power for Abundant Living
John 10:10
The WOW Training's theme at Rock of Ages ‘88 was “Leading a Quiet and Peaceable Life.”
Speaking the Truth in Love
Ephesians 4:15
The daily teaching series at this Rock were: “The Word Speaks,” “The Heart of The Teacher,” and “Vision for Teen Outreach.”
Reaching the World with the Word: Ambassadors for Christ
II Corinthians 5:20
Some of the fun activities at this Rock included a goat-milking demonstration and a horse-training exhibition.
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Be Strong in the Lord
A memorable part of the 1991 Rock was the powerful and moving Hillside Sing in the Big Top Auditorium led by Mrs. Ermal Owens (Dorothy).
Also, for the first time ever, the evening fellowships at the Rock were released on VHS and Beta videocassette.
Rise to the Word,
Expand to the World!
One of the activities available at the 1992 Rock was an apple cider demonstration that showed how our Way International apples were made into apple cider.
The Way of Holiness:
Walk Ye in It!
One saint shared,
“This year's Rock was definitely the highlight of my year spiritually. The Rock is so refreshing. Hearts are ablaze with the love of God in the renewed mind in manifestation. The grounds are clean, the fellowship is white-hot, and the details of living during the Rock are so decent and in order.”
God's Call to Abundance
At the close of the1994 Rock, the First Way Corps was established to honor and recognize those who were Corps before there was a Way Corps program.
Living Sanctified
In 1995, the Rock of Ages launched the Way Disciple Outreach Program. Group I was commissioned to fourteen cities across the U.S. and Canada.
Living God's Love Out Loud
Young Adults from across the world joined together with excitement for the premier of the Young Adult Rock modeled after the Rock of Ages. This was the beginning of the return of the Rock.
One of the highlights from this event was when the young adults stopped mid-concert to pray for rain to stop, and they saw their prayers answered just in time for the closing fireworks show.
Amp Up the Light
A highlight from the 2024 Young Adult Rock was the live recording of the Lighting the Way Today podcast.
It's Good to
Be Home Again!
Once again, the family of God will come together at The Way International for the Rock of Ages!
We can't wait to see you there!
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